Enterprise plan highlights


Zero to MVP in minutes., Scale and customize on the go. No DevOps involvement on your side.

hosting options

Zero to MVP in minutes., Scale and customize on the go. No DevOps involvement on your side.

Node customization

Zero to MVP in minutes., Scale and customize on the go. No DevOps involvement on your side.

Tailored load balancing

Zero to MVP in minutes., Scale and customize on the go. No DevOps involvement on your side

Global mempool access

Zero to MVP in minutes., Scale and customize on the go. No DevOps involvement on your side

Best in class support

Zero to MVP in minutes., Scale and customize on the go. No DevOps involvement on your side.

Enterprise plan at a glance

Request units

400,000,000 per month

Unlimited projects, users,
and nodes

Get an unlimited package for the number of projects, users,
and nodves, which will allow you to scale your business in a
mely manner without resource restric ons

Dedicated gateways

A dedicated gateway allows for a dedicated connec on to
the node and eliminates some of the limitaons like the
need to reconnect.

Tailored load balancing

Process thousands of requests and scale the infrastructure
for more in no me.

White label branding

Custom domain and SSL cerficates for your API endpoints
and other op�ons for your brand.

Global mempool access
with bloXroute

Leverage ultra-fast transacon propagaon and discovery
with NodeMart’s global mempool access through leading
mempool access provider bloXroute on Ethereum, Polygon,
and BNB Smart Chain.

Monitoring and aler ng

Custom dashboards, alerts, logging, and monitoring for your
node infrastructure.

Private networking

Connect your applicaon running on AWS to a NodeMart
node running on AWS through a private network. This eliminates the need to communicate for your applicaon and the
node over Internet and dras�cally reduces the latency and increases the speed.

Cross-cloud and cross-region
hos�ng for consorums

Ensure your consorum network resiliency by running it
across different cloud providers and regions.

Consorum and semi-consor�um

Deploy and run consorum networks like Hyperledger Fabric,
Corda, Quorum, Polygon Edge and semi-consorum networks
like Avalanche subnets right next to your public nodes.

Bring your own protocol

Managed services for protocols that are not supported NodeMart out of the box.

Flexible hosting options

alt Amazon Web Services
alt N. Virginia
alt Oregon
alt Singapore
alt Tokyo

alt Microsoft Azure

alt Google Cloud Platform

alt Virtuozzo

alt Chainstack Cloud

altBring your own cloud
Choose 20+ regions available on Amazon EKS via private hosting

Hosting exclusive to Enterprise plan

Cross-cloud and region consortium networks

Deploy nodes across all supported hosting options, cloud providers, and hosting locations.

Hybrid hosting

Great for customers who are concerned about self-sovereignty of nodes, keys, and infrastructure, but don’t want to build their own tools for orchestration. Have the freedom to .


License a self-hosted NodeMart solution to have full control over operating every component yourself. Great for customers interested in fully hosted solutions who have the

Who is building on NodeMart



Provide your users with the fastest service and earn more.


Staking platforms

Lightning-fast integration of the latest PoS protocols expands the possibilities for your staking platform.


Data aggregators

Collect high quality data without fear of traffic loss. You can always get the most accurate data in the shortest possible time for data analysis



Secure and quickly integrate leading DeFi protocols and emerging blockchains into your application.


DApp developers

Build your applications faster using the latest protocols. We customize the nodes for you to achieve the highest possible performance.


Need a custom solution?

Let’s build something amazing together.

Contact sales